Thursday, October 28, 2010

15 Seconds TV Adverts

Found this interesting podcast about how the TV ad landscape is changing drastically. 30 second adverts are being replaced by quick 15 second ones. Apparently, 15 second adverts jumped more than 70% in the last five years primarily because of these reasons:

Shortening attention span of consumers: Consumers simply don't want to spend 30 seconds watching an advert. 30 seconds is enough time to read a couple of headlines on a different website, check your twitter feed, or read a quick email or two. As soon as the timer on the advert starts counting down from 30 to 28, 29..the viewer switches to a different website, and comes back after those 30 seconds have elapsed. However, in case of a 15 second advert, the timer starts counting down from 15 to 14, and then 13, and by the time you start debating whether to switch to a different website or not, the timer is already down to 10! And when it's down to 10 you say what the heck, and end up watching that advert. Makes a lot of sense to me!

they cost less: .. and I am sure this aspect is welcomed with open arms by everyone involved in media and advertising!

I highly recommend the podcast available on this web page. It's an interview with Brent Payne, who is the SEO director at Tribune Company. He gives a lot of tips about what to do to make submissions to Google News, Google Trends, and the Google keyword research tool.

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